Warning Signs of Gambling Addiction


The signs of problem gambling may include occasional amusement and an increased need to gamble. In either case, you may be experiencing an addiction. Read on to learn about the warning signs of gambling addiction and ways to treat it. You can make the decision to seek treatment today. In the meantime, you can play responsibly. Here are some signs to watch for. Read on to learn more. Symptoms of problem gambling can be tricky to spot. But if you are having problems controlling your urges to gamble, you may have a gambling addiction.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling is a serious disorder that can lead to financial ruin, legal troubles, loss of career, and even suicide. The symptoms of this disorder can vary from person to person, but are often very similar. People with this disorder have increasing amounts of money spent on gambling, and they are restless and irritable when they cut down. A person with this disorder may even try to commit suicide in order to get rid of the nagging thoughts about money and gambling.

Many treatments for problem gambling are available. Active participation in activities such as sports, lottery, or card games can help reduce the urges to gamble. Other treatment modalities include behavioral therapy and activity scheduling. Additionally, behavioral analytic research is expanding. Some drugs used to treat pathological gambling include SSRI paroxetine. Other drugs such as opioid antagonists, such as nalmefene, have been successful in preclinical trials for compulsive gambling.


Gambling is a fun and necessary part of life. But when a person develops a gambling habit, it turns into an addiction. Mood swings, inexplicable withdrawal symptoms, and a secretive double life are all symptoms of an addiction. Gamblers often misinterpret these symptoms as normal upset. So, the key is to recognise these symptoms. Here are some of the most common symptoms of gambling addiction:

Lying – If a person begins to lie about their addiction to gambling, it’s a warning sign. This person may use other people’s money or credit cards to cover up their gambling. Likewise, their behavior may cause them to lose a significant amount of money, including savings and investments. They may even lie to family members and friends about their gambling habits, seeking help from people they trust. This lack of trust can cause more problems in the home.


There are various factors that contribute to the onset of gambling disorder. Fortunately, many people are able to overcome their problem and stop gambling for good. The disorder usually runs in families, although environmental factors may also be involved. People who have a first-degree relative who suffers from alcoholism or a gambling disorder are at an increased risk. People who have a family history of gambling disorder are more likely to try to stop gambling than those who have no family history.

Another symptom of gambling addiction is the withdrawal syndrome. People who are unable to stop gambling may experience intense feelings of regret, failure, and hopelessness. It is important to find a treatment that addresses the root of the problem. Those with a history of gambling addiction may benefit from psychotherapy. Gambling addiction may also result in financial problems and strained relationships. Furthermore, lack of sleep may lead to skin problems, acne, and dark circles under the eyes.


In general, men are less likely than women to seek counseling and treatment for pathological gambling. This may be because of the stigma associated with gambling addiction. A good treatment plan will include both counseling and psychiatric care. The first step in treatment is to identify the causes of the problem and create a treatment plan. Once the underlying causes have been identified, treatment aims to help the client learn new behaviors and not fall into the same patterns.

Those suffering from compulsive gambling may also struggle with other mood disorders. These mood disorders may exacerbate the symptoms of gambling addiction. These mood disorders can often persist even when gambling is no longer an issue in a person’s life. It may also affect a person’s relationships with family and friends. However, once treatment is sought, these problems are less likely to recur. While gambling addiction can be difficult to overcome, it is possible to recover from it.